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The Interesting Neuropsychology Behind Mystical Activism

The left brain's verbal-conceptual mode constantly generates the identity, time and story beliefs that structure our goals, trigger our emotions, and create our unconscious by keeping awareness away from feelings and issues inconsistent with our social beliefs or persona. Because language and thought rule the left brain, we cannot experience mystical consciousness in its world because we are too busy thinking. Remember, mystical consciousness is found when thought is silenced and awareness opens to a larger, all-pervading consciousness.

As described in Mystical Activism: Transforming a World in Crisis, the right brain houses our mystical consciousness but there's a problem. The right brain also houses our awareness of emotions, and both conscious and unconscious emotions can occlude mystical awareness. Embroiled in distressing emotions, we rarely seek mystical consciousness, unknowingly undermining our spiritual progress.
Interestingly, the bicameral (dual) mind can be observed in split-face analysis, which involves examining how the two sides of a person's face often convey very different emotional expressions. The easiest way to do this is to place a mirror perpendicularly on the center vertical line of a photograph of a face such that one side appears on both sides. We then compare to two different faces keeping in mind that facial expressions are controlled by the contralateral (opposite) side of the brain. Particularly evident with people in distress, we begin to notice is that the left side of the face (right hemisphere) often reveals a person's underlying emotions (anger, fear, sadness, hatred, depression), while the right side (left hemisphere) presents expressions meant to convey positive or socially acceptable feelings and motivations. In this manner, we observe the emotions and motivations hidden behind an individual's social façade.


How do these observations affect our perception of Creation? Most of our time is occupied busily managing the subtle ongoing conflict between what we really feel or want, consciously and unconsciously, and what think we should show the world. This process not only takes a lot of energy, it also distracts us from the spiritual work of experiencing mystical consciousness. If we truly want to experience Creation as Divinity, therefore, we need to silence thought, calm emotion, surrender personal goals, and tune into pure consciousness, thus moving our attention from the habitual thoughts and beliefs supporting our social personal (left brain) to a thought-free consciousness that reveals Creation (right brain). This is why meditation and contemplative practices are so important in supporting our spiritual growth and evolution into mystics.

As the climate crisis deepens, we will need to practice more diligently to prevent distracting or distressing beliefs and emotions from undermining our work as Earth activists, for we need to maintain our mystical awareness to the divine world to provide continuing guidance, inspiration, and support.

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